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November 14, 2022

Climatiq partners with Celonis to drive embedded enterprise carbon intelligence

Climatiq partners with Celonis to drive embedded enterprise carbon intelligence

Regulatory pressure is mounting on corporations to take climate action. The recent adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) by the EU, and a unanimous vote by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) require companies to disclose their scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The affected organizations are large and complex, and they generate massive amounts of operational data (and emissions) across various streams. They urgently need solutions to make sense of this data, provide insights on where and how carbon emissions are being generated across their businesses, and how to reduce them. 

This is why we have partnered with Celonis, a global leader in Process Mining and Execution Management, to provide enterprises with embedded carbon intelligence solutions, marking a major shift from top-down carbon disclosure reports to continuous, real-time emission insights and carbon-informed decision-making. 

Headquartered in New York City, USA and Munich, Germany, and with more than 20 offices worldwide, Celonis’ process mining and intelligence software maps the actual flow and performance of business processes and enables enterprises to proactively eliminate operational inefficiencies. 

Our partnership provides customers of Celonis with carbon emission metrics integrated into their existing software and actionable insights to drive better decision-making. Combining real-time business process insights from Celonis with our carbon calculation engine finally enables organisations to automatically and confidently measure their emissions on a transactional level, and understand exactly how activities and decisions drive emissions. 

Tackling the carbon impact of logistics

We are kicking off our partnership with a shipping emissions reduction app that provides users with instant access to granular emission measurements for road, sea, air, and rail transport. This app has been developed in collaboration with a number of Celonis customers, including BSH Home Appliances, Delphi Technologies and the LEGO Group. 

Conforming with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the GLEC framework, the globally recognised method for calculation and reporting of logistics emissions, users of Celonis can work with transactional carbon insights and simulate different shipping scenarios to make decisions about their transport activities with confidence. 

Explore and simulate the carbon impact of different transport modes including air, road. sea and rail. Credit: Celonis Shipping Reduction App
Track and compare emissions over time, get detailed insights on carbon saving potential. Credit: Celonis Shipping Reduction App

Next up: End-to-end supply chain transparency

This announcement is just the start of our shared journey to bring emission transparency in every step of the business value chain and to enable operational and strategic decisions with a positive impact on the planet.

With the majority of businesses’ emissions falling within their sope 3—procured materials, goods and services—it’s critical for organisations to take action on supplier and vendor emissions. Climatiq is already at work to bring the same level of quantitative carbon insights to Celonis’ enterprise procurement solutions. Actionable insights on vendor emissions will have an outsized influence on better purchasing decisions.

“Most carbon accounting solutions require manual upload of business data into third-party tools. Climatiq automates this process and delivers emission metrics into software used in existing day-to-day operations via APIs. This allows insights to be put into the hands of people who know the business and can take action,” said Hessam Lavi, founder and CEO at Climatiq. “That is why our relationship with Celonis and the development of these sustainability apps is so unique.” 

Learn more about our partnership with Celonis:

Celonis Enters Fight Against Carbon Impact With New Sustainability Apps for Procurement and Supply Chain
